Friday, October 24


The craze that is hitting the world: NaNoWriMo.

I take pride in being an individual, to the somewhat crazy point where I'll purposely do something that no one else does, just to be different, but NaNoWriMo is a craze I must simply follow.

I'm crying on the inside, honest.

I have a new plot idea that's developing in my head so fast that I just have to write it down before I decide the ending and the excitement is gone. NaNoWriMo seemed like a reasonable perscription to my absurd mind, and so I'm doing it. Final.

I know FF followers will kill me, or worse, EAT ME!!! but it's something I feel I have to do. Apologies. I'll still update as often as I can, I promise this won't be the last you'll see of Edward and Bella, stuck in college life or stuck in London, with drinking problems *looks at Bella*, but updates may be slower. I've set a target of updating at least once a week for both stories, especially as The Chase is so near to finishing, so don't be too mad. ^^

In other news, my nan was taken into hospital yesterday. I don't know the full details but it's in regards to her heart. She's having an ECG today, well she probably already has, so we'll know what's going on hopefully. I'm not too worried though, I doubt she'll be relieving us yet.

I'm joking.

We're a bunch of fighters, so I know she'll survive.

Anyway, I've started the long-awaited chapter twenty-three of The Chase, but I'm a little braindead on it. I've had Bella pour her heart out to the girls, but otherwise, I'm stumped. I'm tempted to have a boys' night in version, seeing as they're all deligated to one floor. Girlfriend comparisons anyone? XD

Much love.

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