Wednesday, October 1


So, the other day I went to my best friend's mum's wedding reception and was pissed beyond belief. I actually had no alcohol because I'm not 18 yet, but usually I get away as older than my real age of 16, but I forgot that the groom was a copper and that, funnily enough, all his friends were too. So obviously, I couldn't buy alcohol underage with a building full of policemen. That's like confessing to murder really. So, somehow I got absolutely hammered without drinking. Perhaps an explosive sugar high?

I re-met my friend's brothers (she has four of them) and my, oh my, two of them certainly have grown up. I've never fancied a friend's brother before, but these two older ones were, for lack of better words, HAWT! The younger one is eighteen whilst the older one is twenty (I think) and they are so good looking. They're both blonde, which puzzles me as I've never been fond of blonde males, but these two...Wow, my heart was pumping. I was so glad I'd bought the new dress, it was white and finished high on my thigh with a pair of black tights and some white dolly shoes. If I do say so myself, I looked pretty smexay. Lawl. It's the first time I felt really pretty && confident at the same time. So I was at my best. The younger one is pretty quiet, always has been, so I didn't speak to him much except when I asked for lighter to re-light our candle. The older brother though, I spoke with a lot and we flirted a bit. Not much because my friend would notice and I'm not sure but I think she'd be angry with me. Who knows? He came up to me and said goodbye though when they left, despite having said goodbye already when his sister was about. I thought it was cute, so I'm not sure if he likes me too. Meh. Nothing would ever happen really seeing as his sister is my best friend. She might kill me.

Speaking of which, she's moving away in two weeks to go to some prestigious riding school. So I'll miss her then. It's only her moving, so when she comes to visit her family during the holidays, it means I'll still see her then.

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